Monday, August 06, 2007


It's amazing what you can do with technology these days...

Now that we've got almost our entire life in pictures on flickr I don't think you'll ever run out of armchair adventures.

Check it out...but make sure you have lots of time on your hands before you start...actually, we've got another dozen countries to add!

Anyway, upcoming is our trip home September 1 - October 8...we'll try to divide the time between Loma Linda family and friends, Georgia and N.C. family and friends...then we might slip off to Peru with Mindi if time allows.

I've been doing health lectures in Queenstown (the adventure capital). Yesterday we had a great time discovering the hidden meaning behind food advertising. Here they have athletes advertise for lamb and beef, milo (a chocolate drink), and who knows what other "health" foods!
The scary thing is, people buy it! I'm forever having my patients tell me what is good for them and what they "need."

Colostrum, hot peppers....all sorts of disgusting things they can't live without. You'd be surprised at the health remedies I hear daily.

Well, more later, patients arriving as we speak.

1 comment:

girlwithmoxy said...

OK, after spending about an hour staring oogle-eyed at your pictures, I'm saving my pennies (not many of those around when you're in school) and we are coming to visit you!!! Do NOT move for 2 more years. I almost can't bear the beauty and variety of your home! Do they need dentists in NZ? Seriously! I'm sure we could find a way! Thanks for sharing your life with us!