Sunday, June 01, 2008

Bastketballs and butterflies

It's Queen's birthday weekend (it's not even really the Queen's birthday but at least we get monday off!). We just got back from Dunedin (2.5 hours away) for a basketball tournament. We played 4 games and won one. All in all we improved heaps each game and had a great time. I'll practice next time though!

Kimball was up in Dunedin another time and went to the live butterfly display and got some awesome pictures of beautiful butterflies up close. They were shipped in from all over the world. Check out our flickr account for all the glorious pictures and more:

We were just trying to guess who would be our next visitor from America-who knows it could be you! Hope to see ALL of you soon (or again!)

We'll be back in Georgia June 27 to July 6 and California July 6 to 11 (Kimball may stay on a little longer)...hope to catch up with some of you then for mexican food, sushi, surfing or boba.