Tuesday, July 26, 2005

New Zealand

It's a good time to start thinking about what you'll be doing about a year from now. Kimball and I have been dreaming up plans for a year in New Zealand and you all should visit. There are plenty of jobs for doctors and i'm sure others too. Check it out at Global Staffing or one of the other international staffing companies. They really cover everything, although you don't make a ton. How does a 40-50 hour work week sound to those of you who are residents or students? Jeff, are you coming too? It would be great to have as many as possible of you out there so we could meet up in all the fun locations.

ps surfing last weekend with stephanie, heather, brian and jeff and crashing at liz and scott's last weekend was fabulous. thanks scott and liz!

me and ashley goofing off in the pool (Tasha and Eric's baby)

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